Dissolved Organic Matter in Marine Hydrothermal Systems 
理學院  海洋化學組  
Ceiba 課程網頁

This course is designed to guide students to learn about dissolved organic matter in marine environment. Quantitatively, marine dissolved organic matter (DOM) contains a large amount of fixed carbon (660 Pg C) that is approaching the amount of carbon in the atmospheric CO2 (750 Pg C). In the past few decades, our understanding of DOM in the marine environment has greatly advanced due to several breakthroughs in analytical techniques and combining with molecular approaches. While the interactions between DOM and hydrothermal activities are still not well studies, this will be an open field for students. Through this course, I’ll introduce a few current research directions that scientists/oceanographers use to reveal the mysterious marine DOM in hydrothermal systems.

The class starts by having each student to present why they are coming to this course. In particular, students will share the connection between DOM to their research topics and their most interested topics. The purpose is to custom-made the course to better meet students’ need.

Each week, the course will start by me giving a brief introduction of the topic. We will then spend 40 mins discussing recently published research papers relevant to the topic and another 30-40 mins to compile the data from the published research papers, free online resources such as Earth Cube and combine with your own research data if available. We will then make our own data analysis and interpretations.

(1)Students will know about our current understanding of deep ocean and submarine hydrothermal DOM.
(2)Students will read many recently publications on hydrothermal/mud volcano, cold seep, hydrothermally influenced sedimentary porewater DOM.
(3)Students will learn to incorporate data in published paper and online resources such as Earth Cube into their own dataset.
(4)Students will present the compiled data and provide interpretations for the data.
(5)Students will identify challenges in current DOM research and seek for potential ways to overcome these challenges; compare with recently proposed research on tacking these challenges.
(6)At the end of the course, students will be able to think critically and present their thoughts clearly.
(7)Students will walk away from this course welcoming any questions about marine/hydrothermal DOM.
(8)Ultimate goal: students will become conscious about incorporating literature data into their own data set.
his course will be offered in English and thus, students must be able to understand English well enough to enroll. Students are required to read and present in English. This is a reading intensive course. Students are required to attend ALL classes. No more than two unexcused absences are permitted.  
Office Hours
1.Hawkes, J.A., Rossel, P.E., Stubbins, A., Butterfield, D., Connelly, D.P., Achterberg, E.P., Koschinsky, A., Chavagnac, V., Hansen, C.T., Bach, W., 2015. Efficient removal of recalcitrant deep-ocean dissolved organic matter during hydrothermal circulation. Nat. Geosci.
2.Yang, L., Hong, H., Guo, W., Chen, C.-T.A., Pan, P.-I., Feng, C.-C., 2012. Absorption and fluorescence of dissolved organic matter in submarine hydrothermal vents off NE Taiwan. Mar. Chem. 128, 64-71.
3.Wu, S.-J., Yang, C.-J., Arthur Chen, C.-T., 2013. A Handheld Sampler for Collecting Organic Samples from Shallow Hydrothermal Vents. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 30, 1951-1958.
4.Hansell, D.A., 2013. Recalcitrant dissolved organic carbon fractions. Annual Review of Marine Science 5, 421-445.
5.Lang, S., Fruh-Green, G., Bernasconi, S., Butterfield, D., 2013. Sources of organic nitrogen at the serpentinite?hosted Lost City hydrothermal field. Geobiology 11, 154-169.
6.Lang, S.Q., Butterfield, D.A., Schulte, M., Kelley, D.S., Lilley, M.D., 2010. Elevated concentrations of formate, acetate and dissolved organic carbon found at the Lost City hydrothermal field. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 74, 941-952.
7.Lang, S.Q., Butterfield, D.A., Lilley, M.D., Johnson, H.P., Hedges, J.I., 2006. Dissolved organic carbon in ridge-axis and ridge-flank hydrothermal systems. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 70, 3830-3842.
8.Bennett, S.A., Statham, P.J., Green, D.R.H., Le Bris, N., McDermott, J.M., Prado, F., Rouxel, O.J., Von Damm, K., German, C.R., 2011. Dissolved and particulate organic carbon in hydrothermal plumes from the East Pacific Rise, 9°50N. Deep-Sea Res. PT I 58, 922-931.
9.Toner, B.M., Santelli, C.M., Marcus, M.A., Wirth, R., Chan, C.S., McCollom, T., Bach, W., Edwards, K.J., 2009. Biogenic iron oxyhydroxide formation at mid-ocean ridge hydrothermal vents: Juan de Fuca Ridge. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 73, 388-403.
10.Svensson, E., Skoog, A., Amend, J.P., 2004. Concentration and distribution of dissolved amino acids in a shallow hydrothermal system, Vulcano Island (Italy). Organic Geochemistry 35, 1001-1014.
11.Biogeochemistry of Marine Dissolved Organic Matter (2006) edited by Hansell and Carlson
9/22  Ice breaking-visit the High Resolution ICP-MS Laboratory. Talk about the importance of future HPLC-ICPMS 
9/26  What is dissolved organic matter (DOM)?
Why is DOM important?
What do we know about DOM cycling in the marine environment?
Student presentation: Relevance of DOM to your research

Please visit Dr. Dennis Hansell's webpage to gain information about marine dissolved organic carbon. http://yyy.rsmas.miami.edu/groups/biogeochem/CRM.html 
10/3  Filtration or not?
Definition of "particulate" and "dissolved" organic carbon.

What methods can we use to "fractionate" the dissolved organic carbon? What are the pros and cons for these methods?

Partition between POC and DOC.

Practice how to get data from a pdf file. Tools: (1) http://arohatgi.info/WebPlotDigitizer/
(2) Use the "copy as a table" function.

Why Southern Ocean? (TINA: unique POC-DOC partitioning; unique 14C-DOC; places for deep water formation; high water volume throughput "circumpolar circulation)  
10/17  This week we will talk about the hydrothermally influenced sedimentary DOC. Characterization of such DOC using d13C-acetate. The Hung et al paper reported data from mud volcanoes near Taiwan, which we will compare our data to theirs toward the end of this course.  
11/7  This week we will talk about how remineralization of oceanic dissolved organic carbon might have led to a change in the global temperature.

Eric will guide us through this paper.  
11/14  Lecture (8-9 am) 14C-DOC
Lab tour (9-10 am) Accelerator mass spectrometer 台大地質系130室(http://www.hic.ch.ntu.edu.tw/AMS/ams.html) 
11/21  Review of methods: LC-ICMPS, NMR, LC-ESI-MS, UPLC-QMS, AMS  
11/28  DOM in shallow hydrothermal vents
(1) Emma lead a recent paper using FT-ICR-MS to look into the DOM in shallow hydrothermal vents
(2)Eric-provide a review of DOM research in shallow hydrothermal vents near 龜山島; future research projects  
12/16  Visit lab at the "Forensic and Clinical Toxicology Center at the NTU College of Medicine"

We will see the preparation lab and learn how toxins can be extracted, purified and concentrated for the analysis by triple-quad LC-MS.
12/19  Final exams.
Read, summarize, comment and ask questions to a conference poster and a video.  
12/26  Review our exam poster(s) and video(s) 
10/31  NMR-DOM characterization
A brief introduction to LC-MS 
11/4   Lab tours
NMR (3-4 pm)-化學館A116室
(1) Learn about resonance
(2) Why would different functional groups resonate at different frequencies?
(3) What does the reported x-axis "ppm" mean?
(4)How do we assign the peaks to certain functional groups?
(5) How can 2D-NMR experiments be done? How can these experiments help us derive certain characters of the compound?

ESI-MS (4-5 pm)思亮館 B02-3室
(1) Learn about ESI-MS: principles for ionization method? Why are there positive ion and negative ion modes? What does "fragmentation" mean and how does it work?
(2) What have been analyzed with the ESI-MS at your center?
(3)How did the samples prepared for ESI-MS analysis? Can samples be prepared in acid? organic acids? organic solvents?
(4) What are the detection limits?
(5) What are the detection ranges?
(6) How to "identify" the compound with the m/z ratio? What are the common software/websites that you use? 
11/18  Lab tour: Shimadzu Lab

Amino acid analysis using UPLC + Fluorescence detector + ESI-MS